Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Ukraine Revisited- December 3, 2007

Monday, December 3, 2007


In the center of Artemovsk there is a statue of Lenin. We walk past this statue every time we go to the grocery store or the market, and for some reason, every time we walk past the statue we feel the burning need to take a picture! We have joked that we have more pictures of Lenin than we do of Evan (not true of course, but funny nonetheless). So, it is with great pleasure that I introduce you to Lenin, our ever reliable friend, always showing us the way we should go. . .

Evan continues to amaze us with his progress. . .particularly with his English! He has learned a handful of new words and we are very impressed with how quickly he is learning. His favorite word, of course, is "cookie" and he uses it quite often. We have come to feel as if he is using us for our cookies (and we are okay with that)!! We have taught him to say "please" (although he still prefers to say it in Russian) and "more" (which is a very important word where cookies are concerned) and he has quickly caught on to the fact that he must "perform" for his cookies (and he does so willingly and eagerly). Richard managed to snap the following picture during one of our visits today and I just had to laugh when I saw it. In a "cookie stupor" with remnants of the yummy morsel still on his face, I think we will be seeing a lot of this Evan in the coming days and weeks:

1 comment:

Mamapierce said...

He is so cute. It's wild seeing how many pictures you have of Lenin...I don't think we ever took a picture of him...