Saturday, November 5, 2011

Q&A with Richard

You are in for a real treat! My amazing husband (the logic and reason behind this operation) has agreed to do a "Question and Answer Session" in honor of Adoption Awareness month (and I think I even detected some excitement from him at my request)!

So my dear blog readers, ask him your questions and he will give you his real, honest and upfront answers (Richard does not sugar coat anything)!

Let the interrogation begin!


Dalas said...

Can you relate your experience and any advice you have on adopting out of birth order?

Our Adoption Journey to Eastern Europe said...

As the provider of the family, can you share how you dealt with the mountain of adoption fees? Was that part a struggle (coming to terms with it and how you would raise the funds with all the expenses a large family already incurs)?

Grandma DD said...

What are some of the activities you enjoy the most with your children?

Grandma DD said...

How do you decide which child to give attention to at which moment and does the squeeky wheel always get the grease?

Grandma DD said...

How do you develop love for a child who is not your biological child, whom you did not see from the womb?